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The list() function in Python is a built-in function used to create a new list object. It can be called with no arguments to create an empty list, or it can be passed an iterable object as an argument to create a list containing the elements of that iterable. For example, list([1, 2, 3]) will return [1, 2, 3].

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

An iterable object whose elements will be added to the new list.

Return Values

The list() function in Python can return a new list object.

How to Use list() in Python

Example 1:

The list() function returns a list from the given iterable or generates an empty list if no arguments are provided.

Example 2:

The list() method can also convert a string into a list of individual characters.

Example 3:

You can pass a tuple as an argument to list() to convert it into a list.

list((10, 20, 30))