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The bin() function is a built-in Python function that converts an integer number into a binary string prefixed with '0b'. For example, bin(5) returns '0b101'.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

An integer number whose binary representation is to be returned

Return Values

The bin() function returns a string in the format '0bxxx', where 'xxx' is the binary representation.

How to Use bin() in Python

Example 1:

The bin() function converts an integer number to a binary string prefixed with '0b'.

number = 10
binary_string = bin(number)
Example 2:

The bin() function works with negative integers as well, using two's complement representation.

number = -5
binary_string = bin(number)
Example 3:

You can use bin() in conjunction with string formatting to get a specific binary representation format.

number = 42
formatted_binary = '{:08b}'.format(number)