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Return the id of an object. This is a unique identifier assigned to every object in Python. The id() function returns the memory address of the object.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

an object whose identity is returned

Return Values

The id() function in Python always returns a int representing the object's identity.

How to Use id() in Python

Example 1:

The id() function returns the unique identifier of an object in memory.

# Output: 140732193753488
Example 2:

When the object is modified, its identifier remains the same as it is based on memory address.

x = [1, 2, 3]
# Output: 140732193753232
Example 3:

For different objects, id() returns different identifiers even if the values are the same.

a = 'hello'
b = 'hello'
id(a), id(b)
# Output: (2811710322960, 2811710322960)