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The complex() function in Python is a built-in function that returns a complex number by specifying a real part and an optional imaginary part. It can be called with either two arguments (real and imag) or a single string argument that represents the complex number.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

The real part of the complex number. Can be an integer, float, or string that can be converted to a floating-point number.


The imaginary part of the complex number. Can be an integer, float, or string that can be converted to a floating-point number.

Return Values

The complex() function returns a complex number or ValueError on invalid input.

How to Use complex() in Python

Example 1:

The complex() function returns a complex number by converting the arguments to complex numbers.

complex(3, 4)
Example 2:

If the first argument is a string, it should also provide the second argument (the imaginary part of the complex number).

Example 3:

The complex() function can be used to convert strings to complex numbers.
