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The eval() function in Python evaluates and executes a Python expression dynamically. It takes a string as input, which should be a valid Python expression, and returns the result of the expression. This function can be used to dynamically evaluate user input or to execute Python code stored in strings.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

A str or code object representing a Python expression to evaluate.


(optional) A dict containing global variables. If provided, the expression will be evaluated in the context of these global variables.


(optional) A dict containing local variables. If provided, the expression will be evaluated in the context of these local variables.

Return Values

The eval() function can return any data type that the evaluated expression represents.

How to Use eval() in Python

Example 1:

The eval() function parses the expression argument and evaluates it as a Python expression.

eval('3 + 5 * 2')
Example 2:

It can also evaluate expressions with variables defined in the local scope.

x = 10
y = 5
eval('x + y')
Example 3:

Caution should be taken when using eval() with user inputs as it can execute arbitrary code.

user_input = input('Enter a Python expression:')