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The replace() function is a string method in Python that returns a new string with all occurrences of a specified substring replaced with another specified substring. The method syntax is string.replace(old, new), where old is the substring to be replaced, and new is the substring to replace it with.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

The substring to be replaced in the original string.


The substring that will replace the 'old' substring in the original string.


An optional parameter specifying the maximum number of replacements to make.

Return Values

The replace() method returns a new string with the replaced content.

How to Use replace() in Python

Example 1:

The replace() method returns a new string with all occurrences of a specified value replaced with another value.

text = 'Hello, world!'\nnew_text = text.replace('world', 'Python')\nprint(new_text)  # Output: Hello, Python!
Example 2:

The replace() method is case-sensitive.

text = 'Python is awesome!'\nnew_text = text.replace('python', 'Java')\nprint(new_text)  # Output: Python is awesome!
Example 3:

The replace() method can replace multiple occurrences of the specified value.

text = 'Python programming is fun and Python is powerful'\nnew_text = text.replace('Python', 'JavaScript')\nprint(new_text)  # Output: JavaScript programming is fun and JavaScript is powerful