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The lower() method in Python is a string method that returns a copy of the string with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase. It does not modify the original string, but instead returns a new string with all lowercase characters.

Parameter Values

This function does not accept any parameters.

Return Values

The lower() method returns a new string with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase.

How to Use lower() in Python

Example 1:

The lower() method returns a copy of the string in which all case-based characters have been converted to lowercase.

string = 'Hello, World!'
lower_string = string.lower()
print(lower_string) # Output: hello, world!
Example 2:

It does not modify the original string, but returns a new string with all lowercase characters.

text = 'PYTHON IS FUN'
lower_text = text.lower()
print(lower_text) # Output: python is fun
Example 3:

The lower() method is useful for case-insensitive comparisons and data processing.

word = 'HELLO'
if word.lower() == 'hello':
    print('Words match')
    print('Words do not match') # Output: Words match