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The format() function in Python is a string method that allows you to format a string by replacing placeholders with values. You can insert variables or expressions within curly braces {} in the string, which are then replaced by the corresponding values passed as arguments to the format() function.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

A list of replacements.

Return Values

format() from String Methods can return a formatted string type.

How to Use format() in Python

Example 1:

The format() method formats the specified value(s) and inserts them inside the string's placeholder {}.

print('The {0} {1} jumps over the {2}'.format('quick', 'brown', 'fox'))
Example 2:

You can pass variables as arguments to the format() method.

adjective = 'tall'
noun = 'building'
print('The {0} {1} towers over the city'.format(adjective, noun))
Example 3:

The format() method allows for formatting the inserted values, such as specifying the number of decimal places for floats.

num = 3.14159
print('The value of pi is {0:.2f}'.format(num))