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The ljust() method in Python is a string method that returns a left-justified version of the original string. It pads the original string with spaces on the right-hand side until it reaches the specified length. This method takes one argument which specifies the total length of the resulting string after justification.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

The width of the resulting string after padding.


Optional. A character that will be used to fill in the padding. Default is whitespace.

Return Values

The ljust() method from Python string methods returns a str object.

How to Use ljust() in Python

Example 1:

The ljust() method returns a left-justified string of a specified length by padding the original string with spaces on the right.

Example 2:

If a fill character is provided, the original string is padded with that character instead of spaces.

print('world'.ljust(8, '*'))
Example 3:

If the specified length is less than the length of the original string, the method returns the original string.
