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Set Methods

This website's section provides a detailed exploration of the built-in functions and operations available for working with set data structures. This page covers the various ways you can add, remove, and query elements within a set, as well as perform common set-theoretic operations like union, intersection, and difference. It explains how to iterate over set contents, check set membership, and convert between sets and other data types. The information on this page serves as a comprehensive reference for leveraging sets and their associated methods to write efficient, expressive, and highly-functional Python code that takes advantage of sets' unique properties and capabilities.

Function Description

The add() function in Python is a method belonging to the Set data type. It is used to add a specific element to a set.


The clear() method in Python is a Set method that removes all the elements from a set. It empties the set, making it completely empty with a length of zero.


The copy() function in Python is a method used to create a shallow copy of a set.


The difference() function in Python set methods returns a new set containing elements that are present in the set but not in the specified iterable.


The difference_update() method in Python is a set method that removes all elements from the set that are also present in another specified set.


The discard() method in Python is a set method that removes a specific element from a set if it is present.


The intersection() function in Python is a method of the Set data structure.


The intersection_update() function in Python is a set method that updates the set calling the method with the intersection of itself and another set passed as an argument.


The isdisjoint() function in Python is a Set Method that returns True if two sets are disjoint, meaning they have no elements in common.


The issubset() method in Python is used to check whether a set is a subset of another set.


The issuperset() function in Python is a method used to check if a set is a superset of another set.


The pop() method in Python is used to remove and return an arbitrary element from a set.


The remove() function in Python is a method used with sets to remove a specific element.


The symmetric_difference() function in Python is a method used with sets to return a new set that contains elements that are present in either of the sets, but not in both.


A method used to update a set by removing the elements that are present in both sets, and inserting the elements from the other set that are not common.


A method of the Set data type that returns a new set containing all the elements present in the original set as well as the elements from one or more other sets.


The update() function in Python is a method for sets that updates the set by adding elements from another set or an iterable such as a list or tuple.