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File Methods

This page offers a comprehensive overview of the built-in functions and operations available for working with files in Python. This page covers the essential techniques for opening, reading, writing, and manipulating files of various types and formats. It explains how to perform common file-related tasks such as checking file existence, getting file metadata, and managing file paths. The information provided serves as a valuable reference for mastering file handling in Python, enabling developers to build applications that can effectively read, process, and generate files as part of their functionality.

Function Description

The close() function in Python is a method used to close an open file.


The detach() function in Python is a method used to disconnect a file from its associated file descriptor.


The fileno() function, belonging to the File Methods in Python, is used to return the integer file descriptor associated with the file object.


The flush() method in Python is used with file objects to clear the internal buffer and write data to the file immediately without wa


The isatty() method from File Methods in Python checks if the file is associated with a terminal device.


The read() function is a method available in Python for file objects. It is used to read and return the contents of the entire file as a single string. When called without arguments, it reads the entire file.


The readable() function from File Methods in Python is used to check if the file can be read.


The readline() function is a method in Python used to read a single line from a file.


The readlines() function in Python is a file method that reads all lines from a file and returns them as a list.


The seek() function in Python is a method used in file operations to change the current position of the file read/write pointer within a file. It takes a single argument which specifies the offset with respect to a reference point.


The seekable() method from the File Methods in Python is used to check if the file is in a seekable mode.


The tell() function from File Methods in Python returns the current position of the file read/write pointer within the file. It indicates the next byte that will be read or written.


The truncate() method in Python is a file method used to resize the file to a specified size.


The writable() function is a method in Python that is used with file objects to check if the file is open for writing.


The write() function is used in Python as part of the File Methods. It is used to write data to a file in a specified format.


The writelines() function is a method of the file object in Python that is used to write a list of lines to a file.