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The clear() method in Python is a dictionary method that removes all items from a dictionary. It does not return any value and modifies the original dictionary in place.

Parameter Values

This function does not accept any parameters.

Return Values

The clear() method from Dictionary returns None.

How to Use clear() in Python

Example 1:

The clear() method removes all items from the dictionary.

dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
print(dict1) # Output: {}
Example 2:

If you call clear() on an empty dictionary, it will remain empty.

dict2 = {}
print(dict2) # Output: {}
Example 3:

The clear() method does not return any value (returns None).

dict3 = {'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'z': 30}
result = dict3.clear()
print(result) # Output: None