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Dictionary Methods

This website's section provides a comprehensive overview of the numerous built-in functions and operations available for working with dictionaries in Python. This page covers the various ways you can add, remove, modify, and access key-value pairs within a dictionary. It explains how to iterate over dictionary contents, perform lookups, get default values, and merge dictionaries together. The information provided serves as a valuable reference for mastering the full scope of dictionary-related functionality in Python. By understanding these dictionary methods, developers can write more efficient and expressive code that takes full advantage of Python's powerful dictionary data type.

Function Description

The clear() method in Python is a dictionary method that removes all items from a dictionary. It does not return any value and modifies the original dictionary in place.


The copy() function in Python is a method for dictionaries that returns a shallow copy of the dictionary. This means it creates a new dictionary with the same key-value pairs as the original dictionary.


It's the method that creates a new dictionary with keys from a specified iterable (such as a list) and values set to a specified value, or None by default if no value is provided.


The get() method is a Dictionary method in Python that returns the value for a specified key in a dictionary.


The items() method in Python is a dictionary method that returns a view object that displays a list of tuple pairs (key, value) in the dictionary.


The keys() method in Python dictionary objects returns a view object that displays a list of all the keys in the dictionary.


The pop() method in Python is a dictionary method that removes and returns an item with the specified key from a dictionary.


The popitem() method in Python is a dictionary method that removes and returns an arbitrary key-value pair from a dictionary.


The setdefault() method in Python dictionary is used to retrieve a value from a dictionary based on a specified key.


The update() function in Python dictionary methods is used to update a dictionary with elements from another dictionary or from an iterable


The values() method is a built-in dictionary method in Python that returns a view object which displays a list of all the values in the dictionary.